Archives: July 23, 2024

Did Your Child Get Hurt In A Car Crash

Calculation of Damages for a Child's Injuries in a Car Wreck

The first thing you should do is to seek medical care for your child after an accident. If the crash is severe enough that an ambulance is called to the scene, it is in the best interest of your child to go to a hospital for a full medical diagnostic. Depending on the age of the child during the accident, any damage might cause the child's physical development to be stunted or altered. More info on this website Some injuries are not visible to the naked eye, but only in x-rays or through the examination by a medical professional. So even if your child is old enough to express his or her pain, don't take their word for it. Allow them to get a full examination. It will be a part of your evidence should you decide to file a lawsuit against the person responsible for your injured child's car accident. If money is a problem and your family is unsure how any medical bills will be paid, attorney might be able to help your child get the medical care he or she needs free of charge until after your injured child's car accident claim is settled. Call our Law Offices  today to discuss your child's injuries. More info on this website In addition to medical expenses, the negligent person or persons most likely will be required to pay general damages and special damages. The amount of damages will depend on the minor child's age at the time of the accident. More info on this website These cases often require certain legal presentations to win compensation from the driver who is at fault. The guilty person could be ordered to pay general damages and special damages. General damages include pay off for physical pain and suffering and disfigurement if applicable. But if the child was permanently disabled in the car accident, the general monetary damage awarded could be higher than those for an adult. That's because a child who is disabled will not be able to take care of themselves. So their financial support will depend on family members, or they will become dependent on government assistance. And as a disabled person he or she will need expensive medical care.  Got Injured In An Accident - CALL SHAW Special damages are the accumulation of the monetary damage suffered by the child. The amount could include medical bills, property damage expenses such as the vehicle the child was riding in or driving, any legal fees, and lost wages if the child was employed was working during the time of the car accident. Our attorneys who represent children hurt in traffic accidents, have more than twenty years of experience. Call our Law Offices today to discuss your child's injuries.

Car Accident Attorneys – Do I have A Case

This Blog was brought to you by the Carabin Shaw Law Firm- Personal Injury Lawyers, Principal Office in San Antonio

Do I Have a Case?

One of the most commonly asked questions by individuals who meet with a personal injury attorney is this. Texas professionals will provide an answer to this question that is honest and fair. Individuals will have questions about their case because this area of law is not as cut and dry as others. It often comes down to the opinion of a judge. However, this should not stop you from coming in to see an attorney and to discuss your case. In fact, this interview can be the perfect way for you to find out what your options really are. More about Car Accident Lawyers in San Antonio here What Is a Consultation? No matter what type of personal injury or workers compensation, Texas event you are dealing with, the initial step in getting help is to contact an attorney. The attorney is likely to set an appointment for a consultation. You will meet the lawyer and discus your case in this meeting. Here are some of the things that are often discussed at this type of meeting. >> You will tell them what your case circumstances are. This should include information regarding the events that took place. >> You will provide any facts or other evidence to back up your claims, if you have it, or tell of its existence if you do not have it. >> The attorney will ask you question about the concerns you are dealing with and the outcome of the actions. How did this affect your life? From this point, you can learn the answer to that question. Do you have a case? The personal injury attorney in Texas you are talking with will be able to provide you with more information if you do in fact have a case. Generally, they cannot offer any type of guarantee that you will win your case, but many do offer guidance on how difficult it will be to win your case. What to Expect At the initial consultation with the personal injury attorney, Texas residents can expect to ask questions and get answers, as well as to have a number of questions asked of them. It is often the case that individuals will find a range of concerns to think about – what will this cost, how long will it take and what are the chances of winning. A good consultation brings up a lot of questions so that the answers can be found. Keep in mind that this is also a good time to interview the attorney to find out if he or she can offer you the type of service you need. Sometimes, it is best to choose a provider that has the skills and resources to answer even your toughest question. You can learn a great deal about your situation from these providers. Take a few minutes to find the best personal injury attorney Texas has to offer. Discuss your case in detail with this provider. Learn what your options are. A consultation can help you to learn a great deal about your situation.